среда, 26 ноября 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #12: Well, back to work...

Just starting yet another scene here. This is one of West Challenger's introduction scenes to be exact.

(He's probably going to say something different in this part when the episode is done though...)

воскресенье, 23 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #08: Project completed!

As you can see, the project is finally done and submitted. At the moment it's still under judgement, but I'm pretty sure it will end up rather nicely (or at least not blammed).

You can play it here:

суббота, 22 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #07: Another few steps closer to finish

This time, I've finally finished a few more things. First of all, the Media Player has three different compositions that can be played, stopped and switched without overlaying. And no, there won't be any errors in the Player. Also, I've made a "diary" fragment about a massacre carried out by the "past owner" of the "computer", which works on Bindows.

Speaking of which, I've tried to make the "User version" look better than the "Guest" one. Also, I've copied (and slightly modified) the "Run" function just to have something in the almost empty Start menu.

About a week left of this month. There will be more, and soon, Bindows Trista Odin will be released on Newgrounds :D

EDIT: I am making finishing touches to the thing as I'm writing this line.

пятница, 21 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #06: Another mystery ahead...

It took me quite a while, but I've finally made the "guest" part more stable and everything, plus the real life screwed up my plans a bit. But now, everything is fine again, and I've finally got back to working on the "User" part, which is the only thing left in the Bindows project (a rather large part, but it shouldn't take too long now). The "User" part will have a slight redesign of the interface, as well as a few other tweaks.

So far, I've remade the user choice screen a bit (with only one user instead of three). I've also worked on a few other parts, but none of those are finished yet. So, that's pretty much it for now.

среда, 19 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #05: A little preview

...So I've decided to release Bindows this month. And in order to do so, I have to put more focus on it.
So far, I've looked through the Guest part, made some adjustments, started making the Keygen, and a few other small things.

The thing in the link is one of them. This preview does absolutely nothing but showing the desktop with a character running across it, hence the name of the "Run" function...


вторник, 18 ноября 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #11: First Original Track and a minor announcement

This time, I did not complete anything significant yet. Instead, I felt like attempting at making a bit of music to use in the Dokuroshima project as a part of original soundtrack. I prefer composing stuff in Milkytracker, and majority of stuff I make there is usually chiptune, just like this track.

Currently, it's in a rough draft-like form, but it already sounds tolerable compared to its past versions. Of course, I might use someone else's music from Newgrounds Audio Portal, like in the previous installment, but perhaps I might actually compose something that is usable for once :/.

If anyone's curious, you may download the "not final" version of the tune from this link (preview is not available, so you'll have to download the archive).

Also, I've mentioned earlier that I would like to release Bindows Trista on this month, so I decided to focus more on the Bindows just to release it as soon as possible.

понедельник, 17 ноября 2014 г.

Current situation overview

Hello, everyone.

As you may have noticed, I haven't left a message here for several days, which is unexpected even for myself. So, just in case you're all wondering, I haven't stopped working on the project. I may have slowed down temporarily, but now I'm pretty much back on track...

In Bindows Trista, I've decided to cut a minor detail in the minigame because a certain part of it just doesn't go away and causes inappropriate symbols to fly around the screen. As I've already mentioned, the Bindows itself will comprise two parts: the Guest part, where the player needs to find the "Keygen", and the Main part, which will have most of the features. I've almost completed the Guest part, and although I STILL haven't done the "Keygen" itself, that is the very next thing I will work on in the Bindows.

As for Dokuroshima, I've found some inspiring reference material that will let me implement a few things into the projects, as well as highlight certain qualities of some characters (in order to make them less bland that is).

This thing will not be the major plot device (as far as I think), and it will be the West's retreat method instead. It's there just for a bit of comedy and, perhaps, characterization of its builder somehow.

четверг, 13 ноября 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #10: More choreography attempts

While having yet another walk, I've had an idea for dance scenes. Not to worry, those will not be implemented into Dokuroshima (unless there would be some kind of a story-wise appropriate episode or an intro or something). Or perhaps, this stuff would be used in a separate project.

I know, it looks much less impressive than the last attempt at dance moves, but this was done from scratch. Besides that, this is how the draft of a scene looks like (well, almost). Usually it is followed by a proper straight line skeleton, and only on top of that, I draw a character.

On unrelated note, I've reached 40 fans on Newgrounds :D

понедельник, 10 ноября 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #09: Yet another day, yet another scene...

Well, this scene is finally completed, just so that I would have to move on to next ones...

BTW, I've started to slightly use outlines of different colors. Spectre's hair looks much cooler now :D

воскресенье, 9 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #04: All the work went to trash...

Hello everyone, it's Sunday and I'm bringing yet another Bindows update.

Yesterday, in the last message, I wrote that I'll be making a minigame of sorts. Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out how to make bullets that delete the enemy, so instead, I've made it "edible" by the player. The minigame itself is really small, and it will be located in the Recycle Bin (hence the post's name), which I am working on, and the Recycle Bin itself will also contain quite a few interesting things...

(And NO, I haven't trashed the Bindows project itself, and I will still work on it, lel)

If you want to try it out (not Bindows, just the minigame), you can do so by going through the link below:


Oh, and on an unrelated note, the Blog has finally gained 200 views by now :/. Doesn't sound like much, but at least it makes a thousand a much less unrealistic number for this blog.

суббота, 8 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #03: An attempt at a minigame

The work on the Bindows is going smoothly so far, and because I wanted the new Bindows to be more original and everything, I've decided to add something new and quite different. And that's why I am trying to implement an RPG-esque minigame. Currently, all I have now is a walking characters with all the animations, which is made in a completely different file but I think I will be able to import it into Bindows.

This is what the minigame looks like so far, and you can see the test for yourself in the link below:


пятница, 7 ноября 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #08: Another background, plus a bit about the Antagonist

(Well, that didn't go as I have anticipated. I thought I would be writing here daily about the progress, but it turns out that the significant acomplishments are not occuring everyday. Oh well. Perhaps I might add something else to write about here eventually...)

So now I'm doing yet another scene. I've already done some more while I was gone, but they don't seem significant, as they're just "talking heads" scenes that are, thankfully, short.

Also, I've finally decided to show a bit of the Antagonist, which is supposed to be a self-proclaimed villain who, in reality, is just a lame idiot who's lucky enough to have ridiculous equipment now and then. And his supposed name is "West Challenger". (Heavily inspired by Eric Cartman and a few internet celebrities)

The guy is not done yet, obviously. Also, that's where Spectre (the colorful protagonist) is first seen properly (apart from the observation scene).

среда, 5 ноября 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #07: An attempt at mapping a location and making up the setting.

(So much for refference material search, who would've thought that a sneak peek at an anime would end me up watching the whole thing)


Anyway, It has been way too long since the last message, and I am here with another update.

As I have mentioned already, I would like to put some effort into making the backgrounds more consistent, so I've decided to make the map of the whole setting, and so far, I've made this one location where most of the episode will take place.

Now speaking of location, I think it's about time I'd tell about the setting:
The Dokuroshima series is set in late 2020's on a fictional island of Kuroijima that somehow risen from the seabed and was massively reinforced (and even slightly enlarged) with concrete. Since the island itself is not too far, it was connected to the mainland with an underground tunnel. The island population had boosted from zero to almost half a million (about 450,000) in a succession of a decade, and it all stays that way to the time when the events of the show happen.

That is the current version of the setting. It might change, since it's not even the final version yet.

воскресенье, 2 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #02: Disk drive and a bit of a keygen

...I suppose this day wasn't very productive, I guess.
Anyway, I have finally got myself to put something on the D drive. In fact, I decided to put something different from what I had on that drive back in the previous version.

The icons on the desktop are gone because I haven't finished making all of them, so instead of copying each and every single icon as its program is done onto every program's scene, I've decided to finish each program that has an icon on the first frame (which is desktop without open programs) and just copy them from there.

Also, here's another twist: the majority of stuff in the game will be in the "Main user" account, but there won't be any access to it from the beginning. Instead, players would be given a guest account with barely anything to use, where he must find the Crack Keygen program that would rig the Bindows and grant the players the access to the main account.

Unfortunately, I was too lazy to go any further with the Keygen, but that doesn't mean I am not going to get that thing done. Currently, there's just this screen, a chiptune track in the background, and there is no hidden keygen file yet. But that will be made...

суббота, 1 ноября 2014 г.

Bindows progress #01: Rigged clock

As the post's name suggests, I've been doing a little surprise with the clock settings...

This "error" is not the only thing that lies within the clock, but I decided not to do too may spoilers as I write about the progress. The only thing I'd tell is that there is music within the clock settings (hint: it's NOT RickRoll). Also, there's other things that I've been doing in this parody, but they're not yet finished, so I will write about them next time (which is tomorrow).

About the blog in general, I've finally decided to make a bit of a schedule for the works and posts: weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are when I'll work on Bindows, Monday to Thursday are for Dokuroshima, and Fridays are when I'd take a rest from all this. Also, that's how I explain yesterday's lack of updates.