вторник, 15 декабря 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.12.15

Greetings, everyone.

It just so happens that quite a few things went straight onto me lately with so much happening during the time, such as a rather significant geographic relocation. Luckily, against all odds, i've managed to finally finish my latest project - Dokuroshima Episode 1 Part 3.
You can check it out through the links below:


As for myself, I am in a totally different place (not afterlife lmao), currently cut away from the hardware, but fortunately, not from files and software. Still, i am currently incapable of making flash stuff, but hopefully the problem will be solved soon enough. Besides, I can still write :/

So there you have it. I will see what happens next.
As for the blog, see you all in about a week or so.

пятница, 11 декабря 2015 г.

A major update on Dokuroshima

As probably expected, the work goes on.

The visuals and the voice arrangement in Dokuroshima is finally done, and the music is picked (not original nor from Audio Portal, but supposedly it's free to use). All there is left to do is to arrange the music and the sound effects. After that, I might as well consider it done. It should be done in a few days, and for a reason: I'm having a trip next Monday which might possibly cut off my access to Flash and the projects, so I'm doing whatever I can...

воскресенье, 6 декабря 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.12.06

Greetings, everyone.

Can't write much, so I'll be as quick as possible here. Got some real life stuff going on that keep me too busy. The stuff had been taking away lots of time and strength, drastically slowing down any and all development whatsoever. Dokuroshima is still unfinished, and I'm doing everything I can to at least get the visuals done today. I may have it up soon, but I'm not making promises. Just letting you guys know that the works are still being done because Real Life suddenly decided to be an asswipe to me again. Slowly, but the development goes on nontheless...

вторник, 1 декабря 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.12.01

Greetings, everyone.

New month came, and with it, new projects will come.

As you may know, Dokuroshima is almost done. I am literally a few scenes away from completing the animation. Then, the sound effects and music will be arranged, which won't take so long. Episode 1 Part 3 will come out this week.

As for the actually new stuff, I've been thinking about another project that was frozen: Mad Monitor. This is the show where I would be reviewing various, mainly infamous animation projects. The first, pilot video will come out right after Dokuroshima. The raw material is acquired, and all writing is done.

Other than that, I have other small animation ideas which are yet unrefined, but that's another story.

So, that's it for this update.

See you in a week or so...

*Imaginary rainbow Fedora tip*

суббота, 28 ноября 2015 г.

A quick announcement

Greetings, everyone.

Sorry for not following the weekly schedule, again. It's just a lack of things to write about. Long story short, Dokuroshima is still worked on: several scenes left to animate, plus sound effects, plus music, which is taken from the Audio Portal. Most likely it will take a few days at least since there was more work to be done than I thought. I'm trying to finish it within the month, but chances are that the project will be delay until the first days of December. Not apocalyptic, but still awkward :/

And a more proper description of circumstances as of now will be provided in the next update tomorrow-ish...

понедельник, 9 ноября 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.11.09

Greetings, everyone.

Yet another week passed, and not much more things happened.

As you can probably see from the previous rant post, I've unknowingly used a copyrighted track in one of my animations according to YouTube ; it will be fixed soon.

As for YouTube itself, I've decided to transform the video dump I had into a channel actually meant to show things to people. Playlists of my videos are arranged, and the header changed into something I think looks cooler. Eleven subscribers are reached already. My imaginary rainbow Fedora tips to all of them, and I hope the whole YouTube gig will actually get me somewhere awesome.

As for the projects, more progress is made as always. And just as planned, I still aim to release the next Dokuroshima installment this month.

P.S. If you're interested, you can see the said YouTube channel through this link:


четверг, 5 ноября 2015 г.

A minor rant

Greetings, everyone.

I'll just cut it short: I stepped on a copyright claim on YouTube.

Let me explain the situation. I made a flash movie, and I used no other music than whatever I found on the Audio Portal. I had no idea the tune was copyrighted, and guess what? I see the video being flagged (or whatever it is when you still got the video up and it's monetized in the copyright owner's favor).

I do not blame the owner since it's his tune (as I found out later) , nor do I blame the moderators since they have done their job by finally taking the track off the Audio Portal. Sure, I may be to blame since I did not check if the tune is copyrighted before downloading from Newgrounds, but why do I have to do that when it's clearly said in the upload screen that the tunes themselves are supposed to be made by the uploaders?

Not only the situation for animators on YouTube is hard enough in general, it only takes three copyright strikes to have your channel taken down (and I had been contemplating quite the plans for mine, where I just recently started to put some effort in maintenance). And then there's this prick who comes to Newgrounds, jumps to the Audio Portal to upload stuff ripped off the Web. And then some unlucky author decides to unknowingly use the tune just to step on a copyright claim, only because some asshole though NG Audio Portal was an mp3 dump where you can store your personal copy of Metalocalypse soundtrack. Lemme give you a hint: it isn't.

If you try to find a way to watch the stuff you can't afford to watch or play, that might be questionably fine. After all, that is one of the reasons why Pirate political parties even exist. But if you downright steal content by slapping your name on it (and that's practically it when you upload third party content where it is assumed on the upload screen that the uploader is the author), then go fuck yourself.

P.S. If you're wondering, it all comes down from Randomness-4-Real on YouTube where it received a copyright claim. I may have to replace the music and reupload the video.

понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.

Weekend Log: 2015.11.02

Greetings everyone.

Not much to say as of now, and I think I'd start with something more significant.

Many have kicked it off on Halloween, and so did I with Facadeness: Melonation. It's another Madness short, this time starring my new OC, Ash Thompson, who just happens to be a widely known robber in Nevada. Also it obviously has the Façade game as the location.

And now that I finally got that out of the way, I have one less thing to distract me from Dokuroshima development. New scenes are drafted, some even finished, as always. Another piece of soundtrack is also contemplated, and I might even post up an early version of it. If I feel like it that is...

Apart from that, next year (long after the current part of Dokuroshima is complete) , me and one of my supposed comrades, Momoiro-kun (with whom I worked on "Taco Tuesday MLG" as a background artist earlier), plan to make yet another interactive flash. As you may think, yes, it will contain pr0nographic crap, however, this time, more focus will be on the storyline and teh horror/thriller elements. Currently, we cannot tell jack shit about the project, but if there's one thing I can tell so far, this will be among the most edgy things we ever worked on.

So, that is it for now...

See you next Sunday, and happy Halloween.

If you don't like happy Halloween, then happy holidays, and if you don't like happy holidays, then happy Shut-the-fuck-up...

воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

Weekend Log: 2015.10.25

Greetings, everyone.

Less than a week left until another month ends. I've been having thoughts about events correlating with the time period, but I'll get to that later.

Not much to say about Dokuroshima. As always, more progress is made, and as I said earlier, I thought about making my own original soundtrack for it; If I finish the animation too late to come up with the music, or if the music is made but it sounds like shit, I'll just use something from the Audio Portal to avoid yet another delay. I think the development hell for this project, a.k.a. most of 2015, was enough.

As for the Halloween short, I went further on in as well. In fact, it is possible to have it completed in a day or two, however I think it still gonna be on Newgrounds on Halloween. I might have it up early on YouTube though since I've been thinking about actually doing something with the channel instead of it just being a video dump. Perhaps earlier release will be a nice little experiment, but that's just my opinion.

And now for a random piece of text.

So you still haven't forgot about what I said about my time/event correlation hypothesis. Yes, I do realize events actually depend on actions and circumstances, and not time periods.

Why did I come up with the crap? I was bored. You know, the same reason for the existence of roughly 80% of creepypastas. If you prefer things that make logical sense, you may skip it.

And the hypothesis goes lime this: Even years (2010, 2012, 2014, etc.) are the active years, while the Odd years (2011, 2013, 2015, etc.) are the passive ones. What does that mean?  Well, the active ones are the years that are eventful and you actually need to react in order to avoid some things while achieving other ones. Whilst the passive years are the years of growth, when you grow and recharge before you act much further. Also, it depends on the person which years are active, so events for people on odd years don't topple the hypothesis.

Anyhoe, I hope this new text addition to the log doesn't stick out like an unnecessary text tumor and actually makes it better.

So, see you next weekend, mah guest... *flies back into darkness*

среда, 21 октября 2015 г.

(supposedly) Weekend Log: 2015.10.21

Greetings, everyone.

FINALLY, I get to write the update around here. The main reason I was late is that my existance outside the interwebz has significantly changed and quite a few important things had been decided. But now that everything has stabilized, I can contemplate and write a proper post now.

As you may have seen on the Newgrounds News Feed on my account page, I've made a trailer for the final, third part of the first episode of Dokuroshima. And according to the trailer, the next installment should be completed and submitted in November, which is next month.

That part is where I thought I would use some original soundtrack for a change. Unfortunately, the exported tune heard in the trailer, even after editing, didn't sound too good, but I think I would be able to do something about it. And if the animation is done early enough, I may actually try making a soundtrack. Otherwise, if I run late with animation, or if my tunes end up being crap, I'll just use something from the Audio Portal in order to avoid delaying the release.

As for the other, unnamed October short, that is also being worked on. It may be finished within days, but because it's supposed to be a Halloween-themed flash, I will submit it at the end of the month regardless.

Also, I've been having ideas of being more prominent on YouTube by making a vlog or something, but the idea is very raw and I cannot say if the idea will go anywhere anytime soon. Perhaps I'll scrap the idea, I dunno. It also has something to do with the "Mad Monitor" gig, but that project is frozen, so don't expect any of it to be released soon.

Not much I had to say, but that's it for this log.

See you all next Sunday \m/_

воскресенье, 18 октября 2015 г.

A minor delay

Due to unforseen circumstances, the trailer for the next Dokuroshima installment has to be delayed by a day or two. And because I wanted to do the log update with the trailer, the log is also delayed.

I will be back here as soon as the trailer is done.

воскресенье, 11 октября 2015 г.

Weekend Log: 2015.10.11

Greetings, everyone.

First things first, I've decided to change the format of this part of the blog, so according to the entry names, "Weekend Log", these updates will now be strictly on weekends just for the sake of better consistency.

As for the projects, Dokuroshima has some more scenes done by now, obviously. In fact, currently I happen to work on a newly added short gag scene, and all things considered, you may expect a trailer of Episode 1 Part 3 on YouTube next week.

Also, Halloween 2015 is coming in about three weeks, so there is yet another short on the way to be released. Not much can be disclosed yet, except first scenes of that were made a long time ago, but soon abandoned. So, just for Halloween, I'll pick that up, work on that alongside Dokuroshima, and join teh Halloween bandwagon. As or now, I'll just try to get done with whatever I can reach...

And that's it for this weekend, so see you all soon...

*Imaginary fedora tip*

пятница, 2 октября 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.10.03

Greetings, everyone.
As promised, the works on Dokuroshima had been resumed, and so far, I've managed to get some progress already. As you may know, there was a preview of the next installment on my YT channel, which shows what was done back then. Now, the part that had all the scenes from the preview, plus a few more scenes, had been completed and slightly upgraded.
It also means that I'm going to do the main part of the work now: doing the rest of the scenes practically from scratch. Luckily, that is not much more than half of the episode, so it shouldn't take an eternity to get that done.
And then there's music. Golly rodgers am I gonna have some fun there... I remember writing once that I have the needed software to make my own music that is not chiptune like what I used to do. Perhaps one or two short tracks for the episode, and a track for the credits screen will do.
I think later, I'll add some screenshots to this post, but as for this week, that is it for now...

UPD: Here's a screenshot o a currently made scene (the last one left from the conversation in that room):

пятница, 25 сентября 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.09.25

Greetings, everyone.

The Spiderses sequel is not here, and there are reasons for that.

First of all, the fanfic itself just so happens to be rather cringeworthy, and it was obviously devoid of any potential for an adaptation. There wasn't enough to make jokes about, not even "grammer" could save it, and as it turned out, it just doesn't happen to be like "Half Life: Full Life Consequences" which inspired me to do the fanfic adaptation in the first place.

And it actually has something to do with the second reason: the first Spiderses wasn't recieved too well, and it was filled with jokes. At least compared to the unreleased (and even unfinished) sequel.
I kept telling myself that the only reason the sequel sucks is because of lack of jokes put in, but there is nowhere to put jokes.

Last but not least, I've went for too long with making crappy shorts, so I thought I should get back to something bigger.

As for why the hell did I decided to start it in the first place, it's because I thought I'd get myself out of obscurity by animating fanfics, and before making "gems" of fanfiction, I've decided to begin with crap just for practice and stuff, so I picked Spiderses. Perhaps I'll get back to the idea, but by then I'll pick a fanfic that is far more adaptable...

Long story short, I've decided to stop working on Spiderses and skip straight to Dokuroshima.

среда, 23 сентября 2015 г.

Happy Madness Day 2015

Greetings, everyone.

As you may know, Newgrounds just had a Madness Day during September 22nd, and many awesome flashes were submitted. I did too, although it was an average one, considering that it seems rather choppy and the production was seriously rushed at the end. Hell, it even got submitted a whole day later than expected. Oh well, at least I've managed to gain a fan anyway, getting me to 75 today :D

As for the future plans, I contemplate about several submissions for this year.

Several of them will be Spiderses flashes. A lot may have heard about the fanfic. I legitimately had an idea to animate fanfics that I find across the Web, and I decided to begin the idea with "Spiderses". I already made the first chapter adaptation, and it only took one day to make, so it shouldn't be too hard to accomplish all the way until the last chapter of the original that is stored on FIMfiction.

Dokuroshima will also be worked on. Significant amount of progress is made already, so I may still have enough time not to just finish the episode, but to upgrade the visuals as well. A bit more than three months left of 2015 should be enough for everything.

There's also a Halloween short that I keep thinking about making, which will possibly be the last Madness flash for 2015.

And last but not least, I can't stop thinking about making a blog or something. Nothing is certain in this part yet, but maybe, just maybe, there will be a live channel alongside the YT channel I have already. I still would need to figure out the content for it. The whole idea is basically frozen, but at least it isn't dead.

So, that is what I got for now. Maybe on Friday, I will have Spiderses 2 finished and submitted already. Anyhoe, see you at Friday. *imaginary rainbow Fedora tip*

вторник, 15 сентября 2015 г.

A little note to everyone

In case you don't know, I decided not to update the blog until September 22, which is when Madness Day 2015 is happening on Newgrounds. After that blows off, I will resume the blog updates. Until then, I'll be absent here.

воскресенье, 30 августа 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.08.30

Greetings, everyone.

I don't have much to say this time since it's currently all about Madness Day now. I decided that the less time is left, the more focus and effort should be put into the project.

So far, most of the first act (out of three) is finished. Still needs some polishing of the details, but overall, I am indeed making progress. Perhaps there will even be a trailer, but that's just an idea that's not even planned. Overall, the progress is about 25%.

Also, It's probably the first time I've properly animated several characters in one scene.

This picture shows the feeble attempt of a human security crew against alien scouts. And yes, Randomness 4 Real (a.k.a. Lunar Massacre) will have aliens. Yeah.

Not much once again, but that's what I've got or now...

суббота, 22 августа 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.08.22

Greetings, everyone.

Barely anything to add to the blog this week.

The intro of the next (and possibly, the final) installment of Randomness is finally completed. There's still much ground left to cover, but at least now it became possible to make a trailer of the next project. Not that I'm sure I'll need to make it or not.

As for Dokuroshima, I've managed to only make little progress. I've got around making a single tune so far. It's only a first version of extremely rough and unadjusted quality of performance. In the release, much better version will be made, but so far, all I got is somewhat of a test tune.

(the preview access option is set for everyone, so it should work)

Also, I just happened to get my hands on Vegas Pro copy that actually works. That doesn't mean much yet because of all the Flash projects I'm going through, but at least it makes more ideas possible in the near future, like the Mad Monitor review show that I've contemplated a while ago. In fact, I've decided to test the software, so I came up with this crap:


So, that wasn't much, but that is it or this week *waves hand*

пятница, 14 августа 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.08.15

Greetings, everyone.

This week wasn't very fascinating. In fact, it was nothing but the Real Life kicking my ass all the time. But now that it's finally over (supposedly), I can get back to the projects.

But before I get to Randomness once again, let's see what happened to every other project I worked on so far that's ongoing...

Works on Dokuroshima had been completely stalled, which seriously sucks. The voices are done, as well as the story. All I got left to do is the animation and the music choice. The latter will be surprising, considering that I've came around making prototype tunes which are not Milkytracker chiptune tracks for once and sound like actual music. Yes, I've got an opportunity to make my own soundtrack for Dokuroshima.

Speaking of which, the spin-off prequel webcomic series, "West Challenger vs. The World", is in extremely slow semi-progress, I guess? The plot is now contemplated and the strip is written, but no drafts done yet.

That is what I could get from the top of my head (not that the rest of the projects are not in the similar condition...), so let's see what is with the current project.

Randomness 4 Real almost has its intro done already, which is nice because I can at least go out on the general premise of the intro instead of nothing in order to tackle the particular plot now.

If I remember correctly, there already was Randomness 4, which in fact was an MD2014 submission, but it sucked so hard that I decided not to continue the saga from that point and make the "Real" Randomness 4, hence the title. Now that I got more than a month left until Madness Day 2015, I got no excuse to make a complete fail. I mean, the last Madness flash was of much higher quality, and it only took me a few weeks to put together, unlike Randomness 4, which took months of little work between Half-life and Portal gaming sessions. So yeah, I am back behind the Flash with much less distraction...

As of everything else, it's basically on hold until Randomness is finished. By the way, it is meant as the final episode of Randomness. Not the last Madness flash I'll ever make, but as far as the plot goes, it doesn't have much left to offer.

This week was just ballz, but at least it's back on track now...

среда, 12 августа 2015 г.

An update about my current situation

It just so happens that something important came up in real life that I must do. Otherwise, things would definitely not get any good afterwards if I wouldn't address the issue. That's why there was no log last Friday, because I was too busy in Real Life trying to avoid certain consequences.

This Friday, though, shouldn't be difficult so I think it would be fair to be expected to have the log. Hopefully.

пятница, 31 июля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.07.31

Greetings, everyone.

As you may know already, I've just submitted the latest flash known as "Fatness Combat", which is actually nothing more than a spoof and a bit of animation training before Madness Day 2015. And now that I finally got that through, I am definitely sure my MR2015 submission will be a blast (compared to my own stuff at the very least).
The flash itself is in this link: www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/661408

As for the other projects, I might also do something for Dokuroshima as well, but I am mainly focused on "Randomness 4 Real" and nothing significant will be released before that. The Dokuroshima spin-off comic series, "West Challenger vs. The World", on the other hand, might get a drawing or two, but that's just about it.

So, the entry may not seem as much (especially since it was written in a phone so I may not see the whole picture), but that's what I got for now, so see ya next week...

суббота, 25 июля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.07.24

Greetings, everyone.

Sorry I'm late, again. Yesterday I dozed off for barely any reason, and most of today was wasted by a certain relative against my will. Again. Well, at least I can FINALLY write now.

Anyways, it's pretty much confirmed that Madness Day 2015 is happening. Why am I reiterating this? Well, as far as the circumstances go, I don't think I'd make it in time if I would put out more than one short before MD2015, so I decided to simply get done with the current one just so that I'd have nothing in my way until "Randomness 4 Real" is supposed to be unveiled. That's why there will be no projects on August (unless I run horribly late with the one I'm working on).

As for Dokuroshima Ep.1 Pt.3, as I've said before, it will happen, but not before MD2015. The works are going, but they're very slow and sporadic as hell as of now.

I thought it would be a nice idea to include an image in every post from now on, so I've attached this screenshot :P

This is what happens when FatAss Neckbeards get their own base. They get invaded by /b/tards...

So, that's it for this entry, see ya (and MYSELF) next Friday.

пятница, 17 июля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.07.17

Greetings, everyone.

As you may know already, I've started development of some Madness-related animations, mainly "Randomness 4 Real" and another unnamed short made just to have something up this month. However, I think I also mentioned Dokuroshima, works on which are also continued, but currently is not the mainly focused thing. And just because it's been a long time since it was mentioned in anything but text, I am now more than willing to show a bit of my progress...

This is a picture of two different versions of a sprite of Hiroshi, one of the three protagonists of Dokuroshima, with the newer one on the right. As you can see here, over some time, I've slightly improved my skills in this style. Maybe the overshadowing of his eyes was a rather cheap shot, and a few flaws can still be spotted here and there, but chances are that I would probably fix those flaws when I continue the work.

The whole part is nearly halfway done, but considering the improvement, I might have to upgrade some of the parts that are already completed. Also, because of quality difference between all 3 parts of the episode, I might actually release Part 3 both as a separate movie and as a part of the Episode 1 Full Edition (With the parts referred to as "Acts").

Fortunately, the voices were done and edited literally months ago, so all I got to do is animate it all and add sound effects. Doesn't seem impossible to me...

So now I'm working on both Madness unnamed short AND Dokuroshima Ep.1 Pt.3. Groovy...

P.S. According to the Newgrounds front page, Madness Day 2015 is actually happening :D. I was getting kinda suspicious about this year, but now, it is definately on: Release date of "Randomness 4 Real" is (presumably) Sept. 22.

пятница, 10 июля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.07.10

Greetings, everyone.

It may have taken half a day to put this post up, but it's finally here. After all, at least I'm not a week late again...

Anyway, what is new?

Well, as I may have mentioned before, Dokuroshima work is restarted, but it goes really slow because I'm primarily focused on Randomness conclusion episode. However, I want it to be somewhat of a Magnum Opus of Madness-based animation, so I decided to make a few other shorts just for the sake of trying out a couple of new tricks and stuff.

Not much is done yet, so I'm only willing to show off one of the custom background posters.

I know it looks like crap, I'll upgrade this one over the course of this short's development.
Also, the short itself contains lots of triggers and lulz, so SJW's, beware.

And this is pretty much all that have happened since the last entry. Yeah, I hope next week will be more eventful...

пятница, 3 июля 2015 г.

Weekly Log (hopefully...): 2015.07.03

Greetings, everyone.

Just as intended, it has been seven days, no more, no less, since the last entry. Hopefully, I'll be at least this consistent from now on with the blog entries...

First things first, as you may know already, I've finally managed to submit yet another project to Newgrounds, and the project is Randomness Minus 3: Madman (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/659952). This one is supposed to be the finale of the "Randomness" spin-off miniseries, and within the Madness Combat flashes, excluding some possible future short movies, there's only one flash planned to make so far - "Randomness 4 Real". It is currently contemplated as the end of the Randomness saga that was started back in 2009 (and restarted in 2012), and in the current story version, it ends with quite a twist...

The release date is currently unknown exactly, considering the lack of information about whether Madness Day 2015 will come or not. Even if not, it's still going to be this year though.

As for the other projects, Dokuroshima works move on rather slowly. Not much to show or tell yet, but not for long. Fight of the Death Angels is still delayed, though I'm not the one behind the actual work on it as you may also know by now. Other than that, it's just me contemplating short flashes just to have something up this month, as well as attempting art. And trying not to get beaten up by the Real Life.

So, that's what I got for this entry...


It seems Fluffle Puff is shocked by Madman's behaviour...

(Thanks to fellow Momoiro-kun for noticing this :D

пятница, 26 июня 2015 г.

Weekly Log (or is it?): 2015.06.26

WTF? It's 26th already?! It's like I got horribly disoriented in time. And I thought this week seems unusually slow-running...

...Anyhoe, greetings, everyone.

Despite such a long time since the last update, there's not much I can write here yet (especially because of this unreasonable headache...ow...).

First things first, Randomness Minus 3 is being worked on, and all things considered, it will be released this month. There are only a couple of actual scenes left, with a few transitions, until the visuals are done. Music is already chosen and the audio doesn't take much time to set up.

And right after that is done, I am going to continue the work on the actual Randomness 4, a.k.a. "Randomness 4 Real", as well as the final part of the first episode of Dokuroshima. Both worked on almost simultaneously. However, if the latter is not done, then if I get closer to the next Madness Day (assuming it will take place, of course), then the focus will shift to Randomness just so that I could finish it in time. But nontheless, the next installment of Dokuroshima will be done waaay sooner than 2016 comes.

Now another thing that came to my mind is that I've reached 65 fans on NG already, so why not to give myself somewhat of a challenge? So I pretty much aimed myself at attaining 100 fans within this year. That doesn't seem like much, nor do I plan to do anything specific with it yet, it's just there to motivate myself a bit further.

So, that's pretty much it for now...

(I hope I won't end up in yet another time trip...)

P.S. I've noticed over 1000 views of the blog. Does that mean someone else reads these entries and not just myself? Cool. Very cool.

пятница, 12 июня 2015 г.

Log of questionable update frequency: 2015.06.12

Greetings, everyone.

New month has started a while ago, and as promised, I've finally continued works on the next installment of Randomness Minus, although there's also Vanishing Love that also needed my assistance. Nothing much of an update on those yet...

The collaborative project I did with Momoiro-kun as you may know, is finally done and off my hands (I only did audio editing, MLG sprites and backgrounds BTW). If you're interested in seeing THAT, you may go through the link below:

(Warning: NSFW)

There's also somewhat of a sequel planned by Momoiro-kun which will be a scene compilation of sorts, but this time, he is on his own (or with someone else)...

As for myself, the Real Life keeps beatin the shit out of me as always, but I'm finally getting myself somewhere with the stuff I work on. Dokuroshima, for example, has been revised and the story has been slightly improved to be both amusing and consistent.

So, this doesn't look like much, but that's it for now. I hope I WILL make it here in a week this time...

пятница, 29 мая 2015 г.

Log. Supposedly weekly(?): 2015.05.29

Greetings, everyone.

Once again, it's been far too long since the last message. And it seems that even if the Real Life kicking me in the nuts is true, it looks like an overused excuse by now, so I'll just skip to the projects this time...

Unfortunately for some, Randomness Minus 3 is postponed until June because of all of the other projects I work on. Only a couple of scenes are completed anyway.
Speaking of other projects, it just so happens that a bloke known as Momoiro-kun is making yet another pr0npgraphic flash, and I decided to lend him a hand in making it by giving some ideas and doing some of the work (mainly backgrounds and audio editing). The flash is near-complete, as it is now literally days, if not hours, from being submitted to NG as our collaborative project (maybe not the only one that we will both work on...).

More on it can be found on:

As for other projects, they're mostly on hold just so that I could get this one off my hands ASAP already. Like I said, not much is left anyway. And right after that, I'll be working on Vanishing Love (if the animation works will finally be started) along with a few other animators. And alongside that, I'll continue working on Randomness Minus 3, which will hopefully be released in June.

Well, that's all I got to say for now. Hopefully, the next entry won't take almost an entire month to compose...

понедельник, 4 мая 2015 г.

Almost Weekly Log: 2015.05.04

Greetings, everyone.

This entry is rather late, but otherwise, I wouldn't have much to write about today.

First of all, my recently continued project, "Fight of the Death Gods", is still in production by LTHS1222, with minor help from myself. According to him, the animation will be finished in the middle of May, although no precise date was given yet.

As for my main project, Dokuroshima, the work on it is finally continued, slowly but steadily. I doubt that I would make a log of that of sorts, though.

The short of May, Randomness Minus 3, is being planned. Like the other two, this one will also be about the past of a character. Possibly, there can be more of those, but as of now, this short is planned to be the last of Randomness Minus miniseries.

On top of all that, adamleon97 recently begun an animation project called "Vanishing Love". According to the forum post, he is looking for animators, so I, as well as a few other yet unknown people, have joined the project animator crew. Of course, my part of the work haven't started yet, since I just got into it yesterday and I'm yet to contact the person behind the project himself. It looks like quite a bit of work would go into it (hence the fact that a team is being gathered), but I hope it will not put a strain on my own projects.

The Topic: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1390033
The Project itself: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/humanelement/vanishing-love-0

As for the comic, I am still in the drafting stage for the next strip, as I still got barely any idea what should it look like and stuff.

So, I guess this is it for this message. I hope I won't be so late next time...

пятница, 24 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.24.04

Greetings, everyone.

Usually, I'd post a link to a new comic that was supposed to be weekly. However, this time, as you may know already from the last post, I've decided to go back to making monthly Madness shorts. That does not mean the end for the comic, but I've decided to put it on hold just so that I could make the short. And as soon as that is out of the way, I'll start working on the next comic.

By the way, I've finally rewrote the Mad Monitor script. It have been lost due to an incident a few weeks ago, along with some other files, but most of them were recovered. The script didn't survive though, but it sucked anyway so I rewrote it.

Also, in case you don't know already, a fellow animator from NG, LTHS1222, apparetly decided to revive one of my supposedly "dead" projects:


The project is "Fight of the Dead Angels". At first, I wanted to name it "Fight of the Dead Gods", but I thought it seemed a bit overused. The plot was about a bunch of Death Angels, or Shinigami, ending up in the human world as they separated into two bands: some of the Shinigami banded up with local criminals and villains to fight humanity, while the others decided to defend it.

The project itself was very ambitious at the time, and it even was my Magnum Opus (greatest work) at some point. Unfortunately, it was far too complicated for me to continue such plot, and it was far too poorly written, so I dropped the project after doing a small bit of work on the sequel.

As of now, I've supplied the materials that are related to the project, and LTHS1222 does pretty much the rest.

As for me, I'm still working on the Madness short. So, that's pretty much it for now, see ya next week :D

среда, 22 апреля 2015 г.

Just a little announcement

Greetings everyone once again. I got another little update on stuff...

The thing is, I decided to get back to making monthly Madness shorts, but the problem is that I, for some reason, have to pick up the pace once again, so I decided to interrupt the comics until I get the short out first.

And just for the lulz, here's a screenshot:

It looks a bit shallow, but I'll fix it soon...

суббота, 18 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.18.04

...And once again, greetings, everyone.

Along with this post, I'll put a link to the latest comic as planned:

Anything else?

Well, there's another Madness short in the works that is going to be released this month, and I've been making quite a bit of progress. It's about one of the characters' past as an agent before he got fired for a failed mission.

Actually, I was thinking about completely moving these updates and the comic uploads to Saturdays, but then I'm afraid I'll be unnecessarily postponing things even further, so I still decided to stick closer to Fridays.

And that's pretty much it for now. Not much, I know, but it's almost 3 AM here, so I can't write much.
So, see ya next week...

суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.11.04

Once again, greetings, everyone.

It's been quite a while since I've actually done anything worthwhile, but I'm happy to announce that I've pretty much got myself back on track, and as promised, with this little update, I'll give the link to the first (post-pilot) episode of the "West Challenger versus the World" comic.

Here it is:

Also, I thought maybe it's best to just put the comic series on DeviantArt, since I find it most fitting there to put comics into.

As for the other projects:

I've decided to work on Dokuroshima after I make this month's madness short. As for the short itself, I've already got the ideas for it, and all things considered, it shouldn't take too long to make it this time.

Mad Monitor was on hold the whole time due to the lack of time and/or proper schedule. But it's not dead as I'm redownloading the materials needed. I still need to rewrite the pilot though...

...So I guess that's all for this week's update.

суббота, 4 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.04.04

Greetings everyone.

Apologies for the delay. It may sound like a crappy excuse to some, but I had a severe case of Real Life biting off quite a chunk of time and stuff. And on top of that, due to an incident, some files were lost (unrelated to most of the projects).

Because of current events, works on Dokuroshima are on hold (this project's files are safe and backed up), but hopefully, I'll get back to animating the next installment soon.

Monthly Animation: Still haven't decided what miniature I'd animate. Yet.

Mad Monitor, on the other hand, is the project that had the file loss. Fortunately, all it had are the reviewed material that I can restore, and the script that would take a while to rewrite, but IMO it needed work anyway...

West Challenger vs. the World: the first comic (the one that goes after the "pilot") already has the writing and panel arrangement done, as well as majority of backgrounds and characters. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it tonight.

So, I guess that's it for this log entry...

пятница, 27 марта 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.03.27

Greetings once again, everyone.

Nothing significant about Dokuroshima yet, ever since the last update where I've included the link to a preview of a part of the upcoming episode.

Progress with Mad Monitor pretty much stood in place because of a bunch of reasons, main of which is that I rarely get to be alone in the flat, and I can't bring myself to record my own voice otherwise. Not to mention that I never did that with current equipment yet, so recording tests would be necessary.

Also, alongside the main projects, I've decided to make some additional regular stuff. You might already know about the monthly shorts (which I won't be able to do this month). But now, on top of that, there is going to be a weekly webcomic, hosted on Deviantart and, perhaps, Newgrounds.

The webcomic is called "West Challenger vs. the World" that is a prequel spin-off of Dokuroshima, featuring West Challenger as the protagonist.
Currently, the comic itself already has a "pilot" strip, and you can see in the link below:


In fact, I thought it would be a better idea to have this log and the comic come out on the same day at the same time.

Well, that's it for this week...

пятница, 20 марта 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.03.20

Greetings, everyone.

It's been far too long IMO, but I've finally done the first preview of Dokuroshima Ep. 1 Pt. 3.
Of course, it's not "completed" in a few points still...

The episode itself will not be action-driven like Part 2, while its main purpose is closer to estabilishing the plot.

The preview itself is available here:

пятница, 13 марта 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.03.13

Dear Princess Lu-


...I mean, greetings everyone.

Unfortunately, Real Life kicking me in the nuts all the time (figuratively), along with a little OSRS (Old School Runescape) addiction don't contribute to the workflow very well as I am STILL struggling with the preview, which only has literally a few scenes and the audio left to do. Speaking of which, considering that I've mentioned the preview many times so far, I may as well make it available for everyone to see. Of course, I decided not to put "Test animations" and previews on Newgrounds (unless it's Dumping Grounds), which means the preview will be released on YouTube.

That is what happening to Dokuroshima project as of right now.

As for anything else, I also have an idea for a review show of my own. It's not LP series, nor will it be reaction videos, but actual reviews made by myself. Inspired by AVGN and Mysterious Mr. Enter. And, once again, it would be released on YouTube. I decided to call it "Mad Monitor". What will be reviewed? The so called "Fanimes", which are anime-esque amateur animations found throughout YouTube (as well as the rest of the Internet), and the focus will be on crappy ones like "Sakura Ai", which I'll review in the pilot episode. I just think it's old and "famous" enough to get my review, which means there would be some kind of "standards" on the show. (Considering that people have reviewed things like Sonichu, I don't really think I'd need to worry about quality standards...)

The writing part for the pilot is already done, as well as the logo. And now to figure out how to not fail the voice recording part, as well as everything else...

So, that's pretty much it for now...


I've also done a new illustration/art :D


пятница, 6 марта 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.03.06

(...This awkward moment when Old School Runescape ended up being much more addicting than expected...)


Anyways, greetings as always, everyone.

As of this week, at first it seems that not much have happened, expect for me making progress in projects that I work on. Insider preview is still in the works, so I am still the only one who literally saw the project so far.

However, there have been a few other things.

First of all, I've waddled around the oldest content of Newgrounds just for nostalgy and I've got an idea, so I wanted to make a collab. Sadly, I had little to no idea what "Batting Average" is in context of Newgrounds. I asked on the Help Forums, but the only answer I got said that it's an average score of ALL my projects (instead of the best 3 of my projects, in which case I would qualify), which meant that I didn't qualify to organize collabs.

And the collab itself would be about various users murdering Caillou in various ways and styles (yes, the whiny Charlie Brown ripoff).

Second, I've made yet another "musical" experiment, which you can see right here:

The experiment was about using voice fragments in Milkytracker as "Instruments".

So, that is it for now, I guess...

пятница, 27 февраля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.02.27

Hmm... Insufficient beauty"
~Sweetie Bot

Yup, still working on Dokuroshima.
Eventually I may come up with the first insider preview (intended just for ppl who work on this project).
Also fleshing out ideas on how to continue Randomness Minus (which is not only about training of characters, but that's what at least one more episode will be about).

Also, I'm thinking about Randomness 5, but that will happen waay later this year (one thing for sure is that R5 will be longer than R4). As for now, this is pretty much it...

пятница, 20 февраля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.02.20

Greetings everyone.

As you can see, I've decided to write the post names differently, since Dokuroshima is not the only thing I write about in here, obviously.

Speaking of which, I did not do much significant progress in the project this time, mostly because I decided to focus on the little movie made mo somehow mark the 50 Fan milestone instead.
The movie is supposed to be one of the prequels to the "Randomness" series. You can see it on the link below:


Possibly it will be continued in a prequel spin-off series known as "Randomness Minus", but now that this little movie is done, I've decided to get back to working on Dokuroshima.

пятница, 13 февраля 2015 г.

Dokuroshima Ep1Pt3 progress #03: Going steady so far

Greetings, everyone.

As I've promised, I decided to write weekly about the progress from now on each Friday to Saturday night by east European time, which is probably daytime in the US, if not morning.

Anyhoe, the progress had been going slowly, but steadily so far. The scenes were separated into several parts for easier development (Not to worry, it's still going to be submitted as one single thing). About a dozen of scenes are drafted, and a few scenes completed already. Overall, there's still a long way to go with Dokuroshima, but at least I am going somewhere with it...

Besides Dokuroshima, I've been writing down a bunch of ideas that popped up in my head, and I think even if they won't be implemented into the main project, they would probably be used in other of my possible future works. For quite a few reasons of my own, I've decided to do monthly submissions on NG. And because of the said reasons, especially because I've hit 50 fans on Newgrounds recently, you may expect something fairly simple yet entertaining coming out from me this month :D.

Also, the weekly writing only goes for the progress, which means that if I think of something significant enough to write on any day besides Friday, it will be written ASAP. Except for things that actually happen on Friday of course...

суббота, 7 февраля 2015 г.

Dokuroshima Ep1Pt3 progress #02: A bit more progress...

Hello everyone...

I've got a few things to say, but let's start with the usual: the progress.

So far, I've already got the writing part completed as I said before. This time I've also got the voice part also completed, which is done once again by Maltos and edited by me.

Unfortunately, there's not much to show at the time because some parts (like location layouts and design) are still under decision. And that's why I'm basically busy drafting all the scenes without actually completing them until details are decided.

Also, I've noticed (like most of the viewers by now) that the posts are rare and inconsistent compared to the "revival" of this blog back in late 2014. And that's why I decided to make it more consistent by making myself some kind of a poor excuse for a schedule by deciding to write here each Friday night (by east European time, which is probably the middle of the day in US, if not morning).

And below you can see one of the few "fully decided" scenes in progress...

пятница, 30 января 2015 г.

Dokuroshima Ep1Pt3 progress #01: Project started and writing part completed already.

Greetings everyone.

As you may know, I've already finished Dokuroshima Episode 1 Part 2 (whose progress lasted for 24 posts in here), and I obviously don't plan to just stop there.
So after several days of slacking, I decided to continue the work on the series...

The writing is already done, while animation and voice acting are still in progress.

So, that's pretty much it for now. See you soon :D *flies back into Flash*

воскресенье, 25 января 2015 г.

Dokuroshima progress #24: A movie is finished

Dokuroshima Episode 1 Part 2 have finally been finished, and it is now in the Under Judgement section as I type this post.

You can see it here:


суббота, 24 января 2015 г.

Dokuroshima progress #23: Minor difficulties

Current progress:

* Voices
* Music
* Animation

In progress:
* Sound effects

Also, the Flash got busted for some reason (along with a few other important things), but don't worry, I have successfully upgraded to CS4 and I'm still continuing this project...

пятница, 23 января 2015 г.

Dokuroshima progress #22: Getting closer to the release

As you can tell by the name of this post, I am finally going to finish and release the next installment of Dokuroshima rather soon :D

But I'm not done yet. Let's see what is still left to do:

* Voices are done

* Animation is almost done (2 scenes left)

* Sounds are not set yet
* Music is not picked

Not much is left I think, so you can expect the release happening next week. (Or maybe even this Sunday considering the progress)

среда, 21 января 2015 г.

Dokuroshima progress #21: Voices in my head...lol

As I've mentioned a few times, I had plans on implementing voice into the project and, well, it has been a success thanks to Maltos, the voice actor.


I'm currently editing audio as I type. Spectre's voice, to be exact...
As for the animation, I am still several scenes short, plus the minor adjustments, plus the sound effects and music selection.

пятница, 16 января 2015 г.

вторник, 13 января 2015 г.

Dokuroshima progress #19: Still working...

Holy crap it's been too long since the last message. Oh well, better late than never.
I've just done yet another one of the action scenes (and several at least since the last message). There's still quite a bit of animation left to do, but I'm making progress and I am still sure it will be done in January.

(If it's 00:01 AM on February 1st, and Episode 1 Part 2 is STILL not released, that means I'm late as f-ing hell. But don't worry, as I got too much time on my hands to end up like that...)

But for now, I'll just give you all a picture of Spectre aiming his dual laser guns (They used to be regular, real ones, but then I've decided to make him less "edgy" and just turn him into something a bit more Sci-Fi instead by replacing the guns, as if that would be noticeable at this early time of the project. He's never seen using the "real" guns anyway...)

понедельник, 5 января 2015 г.

Important update (not about projects)

Attention all of my fans and everyone else.

Recently, I've got my Newgrounds username changed to "AoiShinigami".
Sorry if it's somehow inconvinient for any of you, but I had reasons to do it.

First of all, there are certain people in real life that I know that I want to keep away from my Newgrounds page. I just don't think it will end up good if those works would be associated with myself for reasons that I'll just keep to myself this time...

Another reason is that I'm trying to compose some kind of an online identity image, and my old NG username seriously lacked originality. That username wasn't good enough in many ways actually.

These are the reasons I had to change the username.

So, without further ado, I'll just leave a new link to my Newgrouds page:


суббота, 3 января 2015 г.