пятница, 24 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.24.04

Greetings, everyone.

Usually, I'd post a link to a new comic that was supposed to be weekly. However, this time, as you may know already from the last post, I've decided to go back to making monthly Madness shorts. That does not mean the end for the comic, but I've decided to put it on hold just so that I could make the short. And as soon as that is out of the way, I'll start working on the next comic.

By the way, I've finally rewrote the Mad Monitor script. It have been lost due to an incident a few weeks ago, along with some other files, but most of them were recovered. The script didn't survive though, but it sucked anyway so I rewrote it.

Also, in case you don't know already, a fellow animator from NG, LTHS1222, apparetly decided to revive one of my supposedly "dead" projects:


The project is "Fight of the Dead Angels". At first, I wanted to name it "Fight of the Dead Gods", but I thought it seemed a bit overused. The plot was about a bunch of Death Angels, or Shinigami, ending up in the human world as they separated into two bands: some of the Shinigami banded up with local criminals and villains to fight humanity, while the others decided to defend it.

The project itself was very ambitious at the time, and it even was my Magnum Opus (greatest work) at some point. Unfortunately, it was far too complicated for me to continue such plot, and it was far too poorly written, so I dropped the project after doing a small bit of work on the sequel.

As of now, I've supplied the materials that are related to the project, and LTHS1222 does pretty much the rest.

As for me, I'm still working on the Madness short. So, that's pretty much it for now, see ya next week :D

среда, 22 апреля 2015 г.

Just a little announcement

Greetings everyone once again. I got another little update on stuff...

The thing is, I decided to get back to making monthly Madness shorts, but the problem is that I, for some reason, have to pick up the pace once again, so I decided to interrupt the comics until I get the short out first.

And just for the lulz, here's a screenshot:

It looks a bit shallow, but I'll fix it soon...

суббота, 18 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.18.04

...And once again, greetings, everyone.

Along with this post, I'll put a link to the latest comic as planned:

Anything else?

Well, there's another Madness short in the works that is going to be released this month, and I've been making quite a bit of progress. It's about one of the characters' past as an agent before he got fired for a failed mission.

Actually, I was thinking about completely moving these updates and the comic uploads to Saturdays, but then I'm afraid I'll be unnecessarily postponing things even further, so I still decided to stick closer to Fridays.

And that's pretty much it for now. Not much, I know, but it's almost 3 AM here, so I can't write much.
So, see ya next week...

суббота, 11 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.11.04

Once again, greetings, everyone.

It's been quite a while since I've actually done anything worthwhile, but I'm happy to announce that I've pretty much got myself back on track, and as promised, with this little update, I'll give the link to the first (post-pilot) episode of the "West Challenger versus the World" comic.

Here it is:

Also, I thought maybe it's best to just put the comic series on DeviantArt, since I find it most fitting there to put comics into.

As for the other projects:

I've decided to work on Dokuroshima after I make this month's madness short. As for the short itself, I've already got the ideas for it, and all things considered, it shouldn't take too long to make it this time.

Mad Monitor was on hold the whole time due to the lack of time and/or proper schedule. But it's not dead as I'm redownloading the materials needed. I still need to rewrite the pilot though...

...So I guess that's all for this week's update.

суббота, 4 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.04.04

Greetings everyone.

Apologies for the delay. It may sound like a crappy excuse to some, but I had a severe case of Real Life biting off quite a chunk of time and stuff. And on top of that, due to an incident, some files were lost (unrelated to most of the projects).

Because of current events, works on Dokuroshima are on hold (this project's files are safe and backed up), but hopefully, I'll get back to animating the next installment soon.

Monthly Animation: Still haven't decided what miniature I'd animate. Yet.

Mad Monitor, on the other hand, is the project that had the file loss. Fortunately, all it had are the reviewed material that I can restore, and the script that would take a while to rewrite, but IMO it needed work anyway...

West Challenger vs. the World: the first comic (the one that goes after the "pilot") already has the writing and panel arrangement done, as well as majority of backgrounds and characters. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it tonight.

So, I guess that's it for this log entry...