The Spiderses sequel is not here, and there are reasons for that.
First of all, the fanfic itself just so happens to be rather cringeworthy, and it was obviously devoid of any potential for an adaptation. There wasn't enough to make jokes about, not even "grammer" could save it, and as it turned out, it just doesn't happen to be like "Half Life: Full Life Consequences" which inspired me to do the fanfic adaptation in the first place.
And it actually has something to do with the second reason: the first Spiderses wasn't recieved too well, and it was filled with jokes. At least compared to the unreleased (and even unfinished) sequel.
I kept telling myself that the only reason the sequel sucks is because of lack of jokes put in, but there is nowhere to put jokes.
Last but not least, I've went for too long with making crappy shorts, so I thought I should get back to something bigger.
As for why the hell did I decided to start it in the first place, it's because I thought I'd get myself out of obscurity by animating fanfics, and before making "gems" of fanfiction, I've decided to begin with crap just for practice and stuff, so I picked Spiderses. Perhaps I'll get back to the idea, but by then I'll pick a fanfic that is far more adaptable...
Long story short, I've decided to stop working on Spiderses and skip straight to Dokuroshima.