понедельник, 15 декабря 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #16: A note to self to make frame-by-frame animation easier

So simple, yet so simplifying. I honestly don't understand why didn't I thought of it sooner.

First, draw the object, or a part of it, flat-colored (no shade) using few colors (one if possible). Then, add shade, and only after that, separate parts with different colors (lines on the final results are optional xD). The original shade will tell where to put the new color, and where to put slightly darker color on the shaded parts.

Before, I used to do the shade as the last part when all the colors were already there but the shade was still absent. I drew a line that separated the main colors from their shade counterparts, and of course, I had to get it off, which sometimes took much more time than it should have.

Also, doing all of the above every frame seems kind of exhausting, so instead, I tried doing one step on all frames at a time (drew all frames, flat-colored all, etc.). Even if I'd have to run over the same set of frames several times, it seems easier than basically drawing an entire picture every frame. Technically, in the depicted scene, it's only the arm and another detail that are animated, but nontheless, it would still seem harder that it actually is if I did it the old way.

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