понедельник, 11 августа 2014 г.

Mind-Boggling Review #02: Death Note

***NOTE: It is not to be taken seriously. The reviews (at least this one) are done just 4 trollz n lulz. Also, this is meant to be “You Know What's Bullshit” parody, so expect some coarse language***

Mind-Boggling Review #02:

Death Note

People already know the power this object holds, and that any power comes with a price. And the price of this abomination is being a holder of an object with a bunch of flaws.

The first flaw that catches the eye is the color. I know that you do not judge a book by its cover, but why of all the colors it has to be black? Why not pink, or yellow, or Batman-style? And do not try making excuses: The notebook was painted black with some unindetifiable fluid according to Death Note episode where agents get the damn godforsaken piece of shit and start staring at its physical properties. Or was it the ink? Nevermind.

Second, how long does it takes to kill a person? Several precise cuts with a knife, less than a second with a headshot from a sniper rifle, instantly with a conviniently placed stick of TNT, and how long does the notebook take? 40 seconds. And then it gives the person a heart attack. Considering that you're surrounded by humans, you need to be more original to stay non-suspicious. So that's another six minutes just for adding a few more options.

Plus, you have to know the name and the face of each and every single one of those two-legged bastards. That ought to be enough to prevent you from trying to use the fucking thing as self-defence item when you run into “Michael Johnson and the Dancing Amish farmers from Outer Space” crapcore band that's super-popular somewhere between Atlantis and Canada. I tried. Right after some bespectacled clown with a crowbar fucked up my homeland. Then another fatass on a giant robot with its head replaced by a car just happened to come by and destroy Crystal Empire and some of its surroundings. Along with my reincarnation. And then I came back as a human in the same land, where I just happened to find some humans, who later threw me into a closet and sank the ship in the sea that formed in a few seconds of what Tay Zonday was once singing about. And when I have reincarnated as a human, AGAIN, after the band incident, I look at things and write crap about it. Funny, huh?

But let's get back to the Note. So far, with all of its flaws, you think you're done now? Well fuck no!
Along with this worthless piece of crap, I have to tolerate some death angel who claims to be its past owner. What an asshole. The guy just keeps nagging you all the time, while eating all of your apples. And on top of it, you can't kill him. Not even the notebook takes him down.

So bottom line: Death Note is bullshit.

Mind-Boggling Review #01: Pad computers

***NOTE: It is not to be taken seriously. The reviews (at least this one) are done just 4 trollz n lulz. Also, the original writing happened in 2013 with slight editing in August 2014, so please excuse technical mistakes. Also, this is meant to be “You Know What's Bullshit” parody, so expect some coarse language***

Mind-Boggling Review #01:

Pad computers.

You know them, you love them, and would you live without them? I would... This is the review that will be the first review of this “show”, and today we will be reviewing the Pad computers.

As you may already know, by “Pad computers” I mean devices with touchscreen that is almost the size of a monitor.

First of all, what is the most important aspect about any device? It's being able to fucking use it. I mean sure, you can just sit down and tap the board with a screen that shows all the fancy stuff, but most of the devices' functionality offer almost just as much as a phone, and the only obvious difference is the size. And that's what it usually is: a stupid-ass oversized result of “love” between a phone and a laptop, and the only thing that the latter one gave is the size.

What's nice about the phone? Well, even though it might be smaller, but at least you can use it with one hand and nothing else at the same time. Just try reaching the opposite edge of the screen of an iPad or something while holding it with just one hand. Oh, and don't forget to sweep all of the glass from the floor after you try that...
The other physical aspect of the phone I like is how you can actually fit them into your pocket. You might also be able to do that to the Pad Computer right after you put it into a trash compactor.

Another thing that scrapes the bottom of the shit barrel is how some parts of the interface in Pad Computers are designed. Maybe that's what happens when OS developers dedicate their work to the phones and just don't give a single fuck about the Pads.
You turn your Android pad and what the fuck? You see some stripes, which actually happen to be numeric buttons in the PIN code entry screen. Like what the fuck were they thinking?? I mean how come the buttons have to be so fucking thin? Why couldn't they just make regular-shaped buttons on center or on an edge. Or better yet, why didn't they at least gave the buttons square shapes. I mean of course the buttons would be gigantic but at least the shape would make some sense.

Oh, and also, there's an issue about software incompatibility as well. It does make tons of sense that the phones are deprived of functionality because you do not do major things with it anyway. I mean, unless you just happen to be Hooman Khalili, it's not like you're planning to film a movie with that thing.
But Pad computers should be much more than that. Hence the term: “Pad COMPUTERS”.
Apple devices probably do not have that problem, and even if it just happens to be, it's explainable by the hardware. And the software I seen on it was actually what I would expect from a computer. But you look at the other pads, and other that the Microsoft Surface (along with a few other not-so-famous models out there) that actually defines that term, all you see is a bunch of megaphones. Pun not intended.

And on top of that, people actually came up with not so sense making device that is a hybrid of a phone and a pad. Come to think of it, I have a suggestion of my own! How about making Pads the size of the phones, and phones that are as big as the Pads, as of it didn't happen already. Or better yet, how about we implement the touchscreen and “computer” interface into a big-ass flat screen TV? What could possibly go wrong? Or even better, how about we make one long Pad with elastic body and everything so that you could wrap it up into a pipe and shove it up your ass.

Bottom line, if I would need something to watch a movie, for example, with no PC available around, I would probably stick to a laptop. Fuck the Pads...

Hello, world :D

 Hello, this is Aoi Shinigami, also known as Tomi-kun to some. And this is the first entry in the blog. Here, i shall write quite a few things, including (but not limited to) work progress, "Mind-Boggling reviews" (Text-based review "series" which, by any chance, might actually evolve into video series eventually...), and much more...
...But for now, I have only started my quest towards teh internet faem :D

So stay tuned for new entries, everyone.