пятница, 29 мая 2015 г.

Log. Supposedly weekly(?): 2015.05.29

Greetings, everyone.

Once again, it's been far too long since the last message. And it seems that even if the Real Life kicking me in the nuts is true, it looks like an overused excuse by now, so I'll just skip to the projects this time...

Unfortunately for some, Randomness Minus 3 is postponed until June because of all of the other projects I work on. Only a couple of scenes are completed anyway.
Speaking of other projects, it just so happens that a bloke known as Momoiro-kun is making yet another pr0npgraphic flash, and I decided to lend him a hand in making it by giving some ideas and doing some of the work (mainly backgrounds and audio editing). The flash is near-complete, as it is now literally days, if not hours, from being submitted to NG as our collaborative project (maybe not the only one that we will both work on...).

More on it can be found on:

As for other projects, they're mostly on hold just so that I could get this one off my hands ASAP already. Like I said, not much is left anyway. And right after that, I'll be working on Vanishing Love (if the animation works will finally be started) along with a few other animators. And alongside that, I'll continue working on Randomness Minus 3, which will hopefully be released in June.

Well, that's all I got to say for now. Hopefully, the next entry won't take almost an entire month to compose...

понедельник, 4 мая 2015 г.

Almost Weekly Log: 2015.05.04

Greetings, everyone.

This entry is rather late, but otherwise, I wouldn't have much to write about today.

First of all, my recently continued project, "Fight of the Death Gods", is still in production by LTHS1222, with minor help from myself. According to him, the animation will be finished in the middle of May, although no precise date was given yet.

As for my main project, Dokuroshima, the work on it is finally continued, slowly but steadily. I doubt that I would make a log of that of sorts, though.

The short of May, Randomness Minus 3, is being planned. Like the other two, this one will also be about the past of a character. Possibly, there can be more of those, but as of now, this short is planned to be the last of Randomness Minus miniseries.

On top of all that, adamleon97 recently begun an animation project called "Vanishing Love". According to the forum post, he is looking for animators, so I, as well as a few other yet unknown people, have joined the project animator crew. Of course, my part of the work haven't started yet, since I just got into it yesterday and I'm yet to contact the person behind the project himself. It looks like quite a bit of work would go into it (hence the fact that a team is being gathered), but I hope it will not put a strain on my own projects.

The Topic: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1390033
The Project itself: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/humanelement/vanishing-love-0

As for the comic, I am still in the drafting stage for the next strip, as I still got barely any idea what should it look like and stuff.

So, I guess this is it for this message. I hope I won't be so late next time...