пятница, 26 июня 2015 г.

Weekly Log (or is it?): 2015.06.26

WTF? It's 26th already?! It's like I got horribly disoriented in time. And I thought this week seems unusually slow-running...

...Anyhoe, greetings, everyone.

Despite such a long time since the last update, there's not much I can write here yet (especially because of this unreasonable headache...ow...).

First things first, Randomness Minus 3 is being worked on, and all things considered, it will be released this month. There are only a couple of actual scenes left, with a few transitions, until the visuals are done. Music is already chosen and the audio doesn't take much time to set up.

And right after that is done, I am going to continue the work on the actual Randomness 4, a.k.a. "Randomness 4 Real", as well as the final part of the first episode of Dokuroshima. Both worked on almost simultaneously. However, if the latter is not done, then if I get closer to the next Madness Day (assuming it will take place, of course), then the focus will shift to Randomness just so that I could finish it in time. But nontheless, the next installment of Dokuroshima will be done waaay sooner than 2016 comes.

Now another thing that came to my mind is that I've reached 65 fans on NG already, so why not to give myself somewhat of a challenge? So I pretty much aimed myself at attaining 100 fans within this year. That doesn't seem like much, nor do I plan to do anything specific with it yet, it's just there to motivate myself a bit further.

So, that's pretty much it for now...

(I hope I won't end up in yet another time trip...)

P.S. I've noticed over 1000 views of the blog. Does that mean someone else reads these entries and not just myself? Cool. Very cool.

пятница, 12 июня 2015 г.

Log of questionable update frequency: 2015.06.12

Greetings, everyone.

New month has started a while ago, and as promised, I've finally continued works on the next installment of Randomness Minus, although there's also Vanishing Love that also needed my assistance. Nothing much of an update on those yet...

The collaborative project I did with Momoiro-kun as you may know, is finally done and off my hands (I only did audio editing, MLG sprites and backgrounds BTW). If you're interested in seeing THAT, you may go through the link below:

(Warning: NSFW)

There's also somewhat of a sequel planned by Momoiro-kun which will be a scene compilation of sorts, but this time, he is on his own (or with someone else)...

As for myself, the Real Life keeps beatin the shit out of me as always, but I'm finally getting myself somewhere with the stuff I work on. Dokuroshima, for example, has been revised and the story has been slightly improved to be both amusing and consistent.

So, this doesn't look like much, but that's it for now. I hope I WILL make it here in a week this time...