пятница, 2 октября 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.10.03

Greetings, everyone.
As promised, the works on Dokuroshima had been resumed, and so far, I've managed to get some progress already. As you may know, there was a preview of the next installment on my YT channel, which shows what was done back then. Now, the part that had all the scenes from the preview, plus a few more scenes, had been completed and slightly upgraded.
It also means that I'm going to do the main part of the work now: doing the rest of the scenes practically from scratch. Luckily, that is not much more than half of the episode, so it shouldn't take an eternity to get that done.
And then there's music. Golly rodgers am I gonna have some fun there... I remember writing once that I have the needed software to make my own music that is not chiptune like what I used to do. Perhaps one or two short tracks for the episode, and a track for the credits screen will do.
I think later, I'll add some screenshots to this post, but as for this week, that is it for now...

UPD: Here's a screenshot o a currently made scene (the last one left from the conversation in that room):

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