суббота, 4 апреля 2015 г.

Weekly Log: 2015.04.04

Greetings everyone.

Apologies for the delay. It may sound like a crappy excuse to some, but I had a severe case of Real Life biting off quite a chunk of time and stuff. And on top of that, due to an incident, some files were lost (unrelated to most of the projects).

Because of current events, works on Dokuroshima are on hold (this project's files are safe and backed up), but hopefully, I'll get back to animating the next installment soon.

Monthly Animation: Still haven't decided what miniature I'd animate. Yet.

Mad Monitor, on the other hand, is the project that had the file loss. Fortunately, all it had are the reviewed material that I can restore, and the script that would take a while to rewrite, but IMO it needed work anyway...

West Challenger vs. the World: the first comic (the one that goes after the "pilot") already has the writing and panel arrangement done, as well as majority of backgrounds and characters. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it tonight.

So, I guess that's it for this log entry...

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