вторник, 18 ноября 2014 г.

Dokuroshima progress #11: First Original Track and a minor announcement

This time, I did not complete anything significant yet. Instead, I felt like attempting at making a bit of music to use in the Dokuroshima project as a part of original soundtrack. I prefer composing stuff in Milkytracker, and majority of stuff I make there is usually chiptune, just like this track.

Currently, it's in a rough draft-like form, but it already sounds tolerable compared to its past versions. Of course, I might use someone else's music from Newgrounds Audio Portal, like in the previous installment, but perhaps I might actually compose something that is usable for once :/.

If anyone's curious, you may download the "not final" version of the tune from this link (preview is not available, so you'll have to download the archive).

Also, I've mentioned earlier that I would like to release Bindows Trista on this month, so I decided to focus more on the Bindows just to release it as soon as possible.

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